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We want to inspire, help, raise awareness and contribute to self-knowledge

For some time now, we have been nourishing the desire to produce content, whether written, in the form of videos, posts on social networks, lectures, training... way to awaken the potential that exists in each of us.

We believe that every human being is endowed with all the tools to be part of this world with a unique purpose and abilities. Often, either by external factors, or lack of awareness, or even lack of a path to follow and sometimes due to internal factors, beliefs and emotional addictions, we fail to connect with these skills, wasting incredible potential and often living a life “on the side”, average, far below the potential that it could reach.

Our proposal here is to dialogue through our Blog, Lectures, Training, Workshops, Individual and Group Coaching Sessions, Mapping Behavioral Profiles... always presenting and transmitting a little of everything we learn, experience, practice and follow studying about living in High Performance and with Emotional Intelligence.


We will cover the following topics, but not limited to:

  • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: We will talk about Mindset Change and Mental Training, Focus, Consciousness, Self-Responsibility, but mainly about High Performance and Emotional Intelligence.

  • FAMILY: Undoubtedly our main theme and one of which I, Deivis, have dedicated most of my reading and study. My idea is to contribute to our world by transforming the way adults raise their children and working to increasingly improve the emotional development of our children and parents. And if our family can contribute by inspiring, then a great purpose of our lives will have been fulfilled.

  • OUTDOOR LIFE: Our essence, as a family and even individually, is connected with nature from birth. Me Deivis, I was born in a small town in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul called Iraí and all my childhood and adolescence was interspersed and filled with adventures in nature. That's where I look for the connection I need to keep my energy going with my purpose in urban life. Amanda, on the other hand, was born in Porto Alegre, but was practically raised climbing rocks and mountains across Brazil and around the world, living in a big city and connecting with nature in the most diverse ways and opportunities. Take a look at her website, her social media and especially her videos on her YouTube Channel and draw your own conclusions.

  • BUSINESS: A great experience in entrepreneurship, with more than 20 years of own company in the information technology segment [INTELLY], having developed the iSend family of Multichannel Digital Marketing products with more than 1000 customers in Brazil with passages in renowned companies performing projects for different segments and sizes of companies and being awarded a few times. We certainly have the vision of realization, from the dream to turning it into reality. We believe that we have a lot to contribute with several entrepreneurs and executives.

  • CULTURE: Our idea here is, from time to time, to comment, indicate, suggest songs, movies, videos, cultural tours, visits, in short, activities that can somehow touch our soul, change our state, whether in a blues that makes us look inside, whether in a good old Rock'n'Roll to energize us when necessary, a modern pop that takes us out of the chair, or in a unique space in a cultural exhibition… experiences that connect our mind and soul with meaning.

To express, give shape to this content, we will always use SPORT and in this context, especially SPORT CLIMBING as our guide, a backdrop. It was in her and through her that we developed the best of us, with her we were able to visualize paths that improved our personal development, that connected with our strengths and weaknesses, which allowed us to visualize more quickly what was difficult to see in everyday life.

As enthusiasts of Personal Development, of the search for High Performance and believing that we can, I Deivis, with what I have already learned and put into practice over more than 30 years, Amanda with her trajectory, achievements and accomplishments as a reference athlete in the Brasil in the Sport Climbing modality and Fabiane with the experience in the administration of several businesses, we want to help so that other people also have performance gains in their lives.

Let's go on this journey together, your feedback will always be important to align our work. Feel free and send your comments, criticisms and suggestions so that we can, every day, improve a little more and together, produce quality content, training, lectures, individual and group sessions so that they can have the maximum impact. of people.

With love and dedication,

Deivis Rogério Tavares, Fabiane Peixoto Criscuoli and Amanda Criscuoli Tavares ❤️

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